Serial Season 2 Episode 2

  1. Dil Hi Toh Hai Season 2 is an Indian Drama Serial that was first premiered on Sony TV channel on 03 February 2019. Its Latest Episode was broadcast on on Sony TV channel and was of 23.18 minutes duration excluding ads.
  2. Last week, Serial listeners learned that Sarah Koenig would examine the case of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. After voluntarily leaving his post in Afghanistan, the soldier was captured by the Taliban.
  1. Super Serial Championship Season 2 Episode 2
  2. Dev Serial Season 2 Episode 25

Last week, Serial listeners learned that Sarah Koenig would examine the case of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. After voluntarily leaving his post in Afghanistan, the soldier was captured by the Taliban and held for five years. Unlike the obscure case of Adnan Syed in Season 1, Bergdahl’s story has garnered extensive media attention—including from filmmaker Mark Boal, whose interviews with Bergdahl for an upcoming documentary became the backbone of Serial: Season 2. This week, as promised, Koenig introduces her listeners to the Taliban’s side of the story, and maps out their possible route. Here’s what we learned.

The American military response to Bergdahl’s disappearance was huge—and may have contributed to his capture. When Bergdahl disappeared on July 1, 2009, he intentionally set off an alarm for a DUSTWUN, or Duty Status, Whereabouts Unknown soldier. That triggered an unprecedented nationwide search: according to a military report that Koenig found on Wikileaks from the day after his disappearance, 'All operations will cease until missing soldier is found. All assets will be focused on the DUSTWUN situation.' Instead of the stated mission of counterinsurgency—establishing a rapport with locals, gaining intelligence, building infrastructure—everyone turned their attention and manpower to finding Bergdahl. That explains why many of Bergdahl's fellow soldiers say they were angry enough to shoot him if they found him: After his disappearance, they were sent out into the field in full gear (between 60 and 100 pounds), in open ground in Taliban territory, unable to wash or sleep or eat a full meal for weeks at a time. Morale plummeted.

The scale of the military recovery effort may actually have facilitated Bergdahl's capture. In the pivotal first 24 hours, soldiers handed candy out to local kids in an effort to gain intelligence. Koenig hypothesizes that the kids may have passed on information about the missing American soldier to their village elders, who told local Taliban leaders, who rode up to Bergdahl, lost in open desert, and took him.

Season One: Episode 02. Serial is a podcast designed to be listened to in order. If you're just landing here please go back and start with Episode 1.

But the Taliban tells a different story. In this episode, Koenig interviews Sami Yousafzai, an Afghan reporter who spoke with the Taliban. According to Yousafzai, leaders found him in a Kochi (nomadic tribe) tent, not out in the open. Why does this matter? Koenig surmises that if Bergdahl was really asking for help with locals, rather than out on his own, it’s more likely that he was trying to desert and escape, instead of looking for intelligence on his way to FOB Sharana, as he claims. Either way...

The Taliban knew how rare and important finding Bergdahl was—”a ready-made loaf, a gift from God,” as one Taliban member told Yousafzai. The U.S. knew Bergdahl's captors would immediately want to get him to Pakistan, a neutral country where the U.S. army would have a much tougher time looking for him. And the Taliban knew that, too. So instead of heading east towards the Pakistani border, they took him west, leading the U.S. army on a wild goose chase. Koenig likens the situation to when Luke trips up the AT-AT in Empire Strikes Back—as Jason Dempsey, a U.S. army major in Afghanistan at the time, explains, “you’ve got this big, lumbering machine [the U.S. army] moving through, that can destroy anything face on, but it has no idea on a granular level what’s below it.” So the first 24, and 48, and 72 hours pass, without Bergdahl.

Next week, Koenig promises to tell the story of the next year in Bergdahl’s life, as he attempts to escape from the Taliban in Pakistan. But in the meantime, there’s news on Bergdahl’s case, as Koenig explains in the very beginning of this week’s episode: Bergdahl has been court-marshaled for desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, the most serious charges possible, carrying the possibility of prison time and a death sentence. According to Boal’s interviews with him, Bergdahl would not take a plea deal, since it would prevent people from understanding his motivations. With Serial back at #1 in the iTunes charts, the problem of not getting to tell his side of the story seems unlikely.


Season 2

Man of Science, Man of Faith
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One of the castaways is chosen to descend into the mysterious hatch, and Shannon stumbles upon a shockingly familiar face in the jungle.
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Michael and Sawyer fight for their lives on the high seas and discover a new threat. Locke descends into the hatch to find a missing Kate.
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Jack, Locke and Kate learn more secrets about the hatch. Meanwhile, after being beaten and taken captive, Sawyer, Michael and Jin wonder if their captors are fellow survivors or the dreaded 'Others.'
Everybody Hates Hugo
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Hurley struggles with a task inside the hatch as he flashes back to disturbing memories. Sawyer and the others learn their captors' identities.
...And Found
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Michael goes into the jungle to find Walt, but discovers he's not alone. Sawyer and Jin's captors demand to be taken to their camp.
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Sawyer's wound becomes life threatening as he, Michael and Jin make their way across the island with the tail section survivors.
The Other 48 Days
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48 days ago, the tail section of Flight 815 crashes. The survivors struggle to live when some other people on the island continue to kidnap some of them.
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Tempers flare when Ana Lucia and her group stumble upon Sayid and the other castaways.
What Kate Did
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Kate's original crime that started her life on the run is revealed. Meanwhile, the survivors lay one of their own to rest, Kate sleeplessly watches over a feverish Sawyer, and Mr. Eko has a surprise for Locke regarding the hatch.
The 23rd Psalm
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Claire loses faith in Charlie after Eko questions him about the Virgin Mary statues.
The Hunting Party
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Jack, Locke and Sawyer follow Michael who left to look for his son. They meet 'the others'. More is shown about Jack's back-story.
Fire + Water
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When Charlie's vividly surreal dreams lead him to believe Claire's baby, Aaron, is in danger, Locke suspects Charlie may be using drugs again. More of Charlie's background story shows his difficult relationship with his heroin addicted brother. Meanwhile, Sawyer encourages Hurley to act on his attraction to Libby.
The Long Con

Super Serial Championship Season 2 Episode 2

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Survivors fear that 'The Others' may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt. Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused, but highly interested, bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia over control of the hatch computer, and the storage of the weapons.
One of Them
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The mysterious French woman, Danielle Rousseau returns to lead Sayid to a mysterious captive who claims he crashed on the island. Meanwhile, Sawyer recruits Hurley to help him find another island animal that is harassing him: a loud tree frog.
Maternity Leave
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When Claire's baby falls ill, she becomes determined to find out what happened to her to regain her memory during her captivity with the Others, triggering flashbacks to her experience among the Others, and her ordeals concerning her baby. Also, Mr. Eko learns about Henry Gale and asks Jack and Locke to give him a meeting with their captive.
The Whole Truth
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When Sun comes to the realization that she might be pregnant, she struggles on whether to tell Jin about the situation. After no success from Jack or Sayid, Ana Lucia is called in by Locke to interrogate the prisoner, Henry Gale, to get more information out of him about how he arrived on the island. Ana Lucia, Sayid, and Charlie then set out into the jungle to try and confirm Henry's story.
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When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is trapped alone in the bunker and is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally: the captive Henry Gale to try to free him. Meanwhile, Jack faces off against Sawyer in a series of card games for supplies. Also, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie find out the truth about Henry in the jungle.
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Hurley begins to think the island is affecting him in a very strange way, so Libby attempts to offer him support. Hurley also recalls his past in a mental hospital with his friend Dave. Meanwhile, the prisoner calling himself Henry Gale offers new information about the Hatch, which severely shakes Locke's sense of purpose.
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Rose is opposed to Bernard's plan to create an SOS signal. Jack and Kate propose a trade with the Others.
Two for the Road
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Jack and Kate bring an exhausted Michael back to camp where he has news about 'The Others'. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia attempts to get the prisoner, Henry Gale to confess to being a spy for the Others, and he attempts to kill her. Also, Hurley plans a surprise date for Libby.
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Dev Serial Season 2 Episode 25

Mr. Eko enlists Locke to help find a secret location he believes houses answers to the island's mysteries. Meanwhile, Jack, Sawyer, and Kate struggle to cope with the horrific situation in the hatch following the escape of 'Other' Henry Gale, and of the shooting deaths of Ana-Lucia and Libby, unaware that it was Michael who is responsible.
Three Minutes
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Michael's whereabouts during his 13 days in captivity in the 'Others' camp are detailed while in the present, he tries to convince Jack to help him mount a search party for his son Walt still being held captive. Meanwhile, Locke struggles with a choice whether or not to abandon the hatch.
SerialLive Together, Die Alone
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After discovering a sailboat just offshore containing former hatch oversee Desmond, Jack and Sayid come up with a plan to confront 'The Others' and hopefully get Walt back. Meanwhile, Eko and Locke come to blows as Locke makes a potentially cataclysmic decision regarding the 'button' and the hatch.