Isp Speed Comparison

Jul 27, 2016  Don’t just trust the advertised speeds — look at the data to find the fastest ISP near you. The speeds ISPs quote are always “up to” a certain speed, so you can’t just choose based on the extremely optimistic speeds they advertise. Look at the results of actual, real-world speed tests for a more realistic picture. We found the best internet service providers based on speed, prices, and data allowance, with some minor consideration for customer service rankings. We broke it down by the type of connection (fiber, cable, DSL, and satellite), but keep in mind most providers serve different areas with different speeds, prices, and connection types.

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  2. Broadband Speed Comparison Uk
  3. Find Isps In My Area

Both digital subscriber line (DSL) and cable internet services offer higher speeds than technologies such as dial-up modems. Cable high-speed internet and DSL services are available across the country, although in a few areas, only one is available. Both are popular and secure services. Although, each approach offers a competing mix of trade-offs.

Bottom Line: Cable Is Faster in Theory


Isp Speed Comparison Nz

Cable internet services on average provide higher levels of bandwidth than DSL internet services, and this bandwidth roughly translates to raw speed. However, while cable internet theoretically runs faster than DSL, several technical and business reasons can reduce or eliminate the speed advantage of cable.

In terms of theoretical peak performance, cable modems run faster than DSL. Cable technology currently supports approximately 1000 Mbps of bandwidth (and some as high as 2000 Mbps) in many areas. Most forms of DSL reach speeds of less than 100 Mbps.

DSL vs. Cable: Real-World Speed

In practice, the speed advantage of cable over DSL is less than the theoretical numbers suggest.

  • Cable modem services can slow down significantly if many people in a service area access the internet simultaneously.
  • Both cable modem and DSL performance vary from one minute to the next, depending on the pattern of use and traffic congestion on the internet.
  • DSL and cable internet providers sometimes implement speed caps that limit the bandwidth of their services.
  • Some home networks cannot match the speed of the internet connection, which lowers performance.

About Speed Caps

Both cable and DSL service providers commonly employ bandwidth and speed caps for residential customers. Bandwidth caps place an artificial limit on the amount of data a customer can use in a month. Companies control the maximum speed a customer can achieve by monitoring traffic flow and throttling network packets.


Service providers offer several reasons for imposing bandwidth and speed caps:

  • Providers concerned about the capacity limits of their network may implement a cap to accommodate more customers.
  • Providers may believe that the majority of customers do not need more bandwidth than that allowed under the cap.
  • Providers may want to create a fair-and-equal distribution of bandwidth of customers. Without a cap, for example, some DSL subscribers would enjoy higher bandwidth levels than others in the same neighborhood.
  • Some providers allow a certain amount of data transfer each month to combat high bandwidth usage. When a customer goes over that amount, the company slows down the data connection or charges an additional fee.
  • Providers that want to charge higher or lower rates for greater or lesser speeds do so through a modem setting. That way, the company can increase the speed when a contract is upgraded.

Tips to Improve Internet Speed

Whether you have high-speed cable or DSL service, you can improve connection speeds in several ways:

Broadband Speed Comparison Uk

  • Reduce the number of devices that use the connection to download, stream, and play games.
  • Security cameras and other smart home devices affect speed.
  • Wireless connections are slower than wired connections. Connect the computer to the router with an Ethernet cable for the fastest speed.
  • Update the router and modem to the current specifications. A five-year-old modem probably can't handle the speeds your service provides.
  • With wireless connections, the distance from the router makes a difference. The closer the device is to the router, the faster the wireless speed.

Find Isps In My Area

When you're shopping for a new service, ask about speed and bandwidth limits. You'll likely find that the company you deal with offers several packages with increasingly faster connection speeds for increasingly higher prices. Your choice is guided by how you use the internet in your home. If you have a large family, and everyone streams movies on their personal devices, the smallest package won't be sufficient. If you use the internet for email and occasional web surfing, go for the smaller package.