Install Skype On Windows 8

Install Skype On Windows 8
I am a fellow Community member here to help. I am very sorry to hear that you are experiencing this difficulty. I know that it is extremely frustrating to say the least.
Unfortunately, the new version of Skype is still under development and as such is lacking many of the features and functions of classic Skype and contains many bugs.
While there is not yet an ETA, it is expected in the very near future that Microsoft will begin rapidly releasing updates for the new Skype in order to add features and functionality and correct known bugs.
In the meantime, Microsoft has listened to user feedback and has decided to continue supporting classic Skype into the foreseeable future. If you are interested in returning to classic Skype for the time being it can be gotten here
if you should choose to return to Classic Skype, you will likely still see notices that an update is available. However, you can ignore them, at this point in time there is not a deadline for upgrading and there is not a definitive date for when support of classic Skype will cease.
you can also provide feedback to the Skype development team in regard to features and functionality that you would like to see added to the new Skype, or report any bugs that you have found here
I do hope that this is helpful to you. I definitely feel your frustrations on this one.
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance I am happy to help when I can.
I do hope that you have a great day.
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Install Skype 8 Windows 10

Skype on the Windows desktop is considerably more powerful than Metro Skype. Here’s how to put the regular, old, everyday Windows version of Skype on your Windows 8.1 machine: You see a very fancy landing page, with all the hallmarks of a Microsoft Metro web page. 2Up at the top, click or tap. Review title of Conrad T. Windows 10 Skype is a failure. There are no access links to preferences or in-depth settings for Skype on Windows 10. I can't exercise the levels of controls that existed in Skype for Vista and Windows 8 in the stand alone windows. Skype for Windows 10 sucks to high heaven! Skype is a free online video chat application that is fun and convenient to use.Download Skype for Windows and enjoy free Skype to Skype calls, instant messaging. Thanks for watching. To use the new Metro-style Skype app on your Windows 8 computer, you first have to download the app from the Store. What you will need: a Windows 8 computer with a broadband internet connection (a dial-up connection is too slow for Skype) speakers and a microphone.