Hp Softpaq Download Manager Not Working

  • I am a computer tech in many schools, and I am trying to download drivers for a laptop and a printer. I've been trying this for a week now, but the download is either very slow (Less than 1KB/S) or timed out. I am using all kind of browsers, and am truing this from every school, with different ISPs. So tell me, are the HP servers even working.
  • HP SoftPaq Download Manager provides a simple way to download software updates for the HP client PC models in your environment. HP SDM can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to locate and download updates. SoftPaqs can be downloaded in as few as three easy steps from a single user interface after initial setup.
  • Start All Programs HP HP SoftPaq Download Manager Properties, add /FORCEHTTP after the closing quote 'C: Program Files (x86) HP HP SoftPaq Download Manager SoftPaqDownloadManager.exe' /FORCEHTTP. This switch, though a temporary solution is probably not a cure, but it works!

Overview of HP SSM and HP Softpaq Download Manager HP Softpaq Download Manager (SDM) is a software tool designed to streamline the SoftPaq download process. Instead of manually downloading each SoftPaq, IT personnel can get all appropriate SoftPaqs for each of their computers all in one sitting. Download the utility from the HP website. Go to HP SoftPaq Download Manager. In the Softpaq Exe column, click the most recent file. Click Open, Save, or Run in any windows that display to download the utility to your computer. Obtain HP drivers (SoftPaqs) downloads, as part of Client Management Solutions from HP.

HP SoftPaq Download Manager (SDM)

VersionSoftpaq #DateOSSoftpaq ExeRelease Notes
4.4.0sp8715804/20/2018Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10)sp87158.exesp87158.html (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10)sp85504.exesp85504.html


HP SoftPaq Download Manager provides a simple, powerful way to download software updates for HP business client PC models.


  • Enables end users to select the SoftPaqs in the Downloaded SoftPaqs Window for further operations.
  • Enhances the Supersede option to allow the latest version of SoftPaqs to be selected in the download folder.
  • Enables BIOS and Firmware updates to be installed in the Check for Update mode.


  • Improvement to release infrastructure
  • Selecting supersede softpaqs is determined by comparing the downloaded softpaqs in the download folder.
  • Provides support for TLS (Transport Layer Security) versions 1.1 and 1.2.
  • Provides support for SSM (System Software Manager) version


  • Clear up the redundant options of Operation System in the configuration.
  • Supports the different versions of Windows 10.
  • Enables 'Show Latest SoftPaqs' function in Show All Products and Build Driver Pack mode.
  • Fixed the issue that SDM cannot handle large SoftPaq more than 4GB.
  • Fixed the issue where SoftPaq unpack function didn't work if the SoftPaq had been download.
  • Fixed the issue where the setting of 'Check for newSoftPaq Catalog file' in configuration isn't saved correctly.


  • List SoftPaqs for English if SDM can't determine the system language.
  • Add command options /DISABLEBITS to disable BITS
  • SDM can still download files if BITS service is not available
  • Provide workaround in Build Driver Pack if softpaq CVA has additional /src in the INF_PATH
  • Ignore FIPS exception if the image enable FIPS policy


  • Apply BITS download for better performance and quality
  • Remove default OS setting in configuration
  • Encrypt proxy password in configuration
  • Download productcatalogupdate.xml with HTTPS protocol


  • Fixed an issue in v4.2.2 where SDM can't be installed on virtual machine.


  • Use http download as the default protocol
  • Added /forceftp command
  • Added /autobuild command to build drive pack in auto mode
  • Added load catalog from a zip function
  • Support /autoinstall command with /splist
  • Update to SSM
  • Update to .NET framework 4.5
  • Update to CASL
  • Fixed an issue when http server return 'Moved Permanently'
  • Fixed an issue that Clear All button is not available after using Find Model function
  • Remove the initial step of headline checking


  • Reorganize configuration
  • Add Wizard button for build driver pack
  • Add find model button in all product mode and build driver pack mode
  • Support customize ftp server for download catalog and softpaq
  • Support file share for download catalog and softpaq
  • Downloaded softpaq can be shown in build driver pack mode
  • Downloaded softpaq can be selected in build driver pack mode
  • Select softpaqs also take effect on downloaded softpaqs in build driver pack mode
  • Support supersede mode for auto selection
  • Add OS and Language default vaule
  • Disable tool update in auto report mode
  • Solve override_IgnoreToolUpdates can not save issue
  • Solve setting_DoNotAskUpdateAgain can not save issue
  • Support deleting softpaqs format in catalog
  • Solve /SPLIST command fail issue
  • Solve unpack directory inconsistency issue in configuration and explore Windows
  • Restore download path to default if the setting is invalid
  • Solve unpack directory inconsistency issue in configuration and explore Windows
  • Solve unpack directory inconsistency issue in configuration and explore Windows


  • Fix FTP download connectivity issue
  • Detect Windows 10
  • Build Driver Pack support Windows 10 new tag


  • Users can get better file download performance by setting the number of simultaneous downloads in the configuration menu.
  • Ability to update the catalog within the tool without to having to quit and restart.
  • Ability to disable auto-update of the catalog upon launch.
  • Add 'Check for SDM updates' in Help menu.
  • Put the window of Checking Catalog update result in the front and close the processing windows after checking catalog version. (File -> Update Catalog Now)
  • Put the window of Check SDM update result in the front and close the processing windows after checking SDM update. (Help -> Check SDM updates)
  • Provide the number of Failed SoftPaq Download in the beginning of the readme file when building driver pack.
  • Update the warning message when select more than 4GB for building cab driver pack.
  • Display a dialog for the result after checking catalog update.
  • Display the total selected size in the status bar.
  • allow the end user to ignore auto-update.
  • Added SSM Version to the about screen of SDM.
  • A critical error message pop up when no softpaq can be included during Build Driver Pack.
  • Improve the response efficiency when listing All Available Softpaq.
  • Update SSM to the version
  • Output format for Driver Packs to add ISO format.
  • Output format for Driver Packs to add WIM format.
  • Driver Pack Builder log SoftPaq EXE/CVA download failures in the README.TXT.
  • Driver Pack Builder provide rejection reason in the README.TXT.
  • SDM won't download the SoftPaq if it finds the SoftPaq is not DPB-compliant in Build Driver Pack mode.
  • The reason is provided in the log if a Softpaq was rejected in Build Driver Pack mode.


  • Fixed problem with Driver Pack Build staging and unpack that was introduced when WiX unpacking was implemented.
  • Added an 'Install' right-click menu option to the Install Summary form.
  • Now, Ctrl-Shift-C toggles the SDM catalog from being updated.
  • Now, Ctrl-Shift-R restarts the application at the point where the catalog is loaded.
  • Now, Ctrl-Shift-N lists the active override settings and prompts the user if the override file should be deleted if there are active override settings.


  • Now, in Norwegian, the correct Help Guide will be displayed.
  • Fixed the problem with unhiding non-hidden SoftPaqs from the 'No Action Needed' list view in Update mode.
  • Fixed problem with exception being thrown in routine CreateHiddenSoftPaqsDatabase() if the table already existed.
  • Verify SoftPaq Status feature now saves a dated copy os the status.
  • Fixed problem with Driver Pack Build when the DPBPath is the 'period' directory where nothing would be extracted.


  • Added a check in the Proxy Options to ensure that the proxy server and port are entered correctly.
  • Updated help documentation with the new Driver Pack Builder features.
  • SDM forum link in the help documentation also was updated.
  • Help in English was updated to add Build Driver Pack help.
  • Fixed problem where the Driver Pack would hang if DPB output directory did not exist. This was fixed by disallowing to be typed in and by adding a check that the directory exists before compressing.
  • Added capability to change the output directory.
  • Now, the CASL version and CASL file version are retrieved and recorded in the SDM log.
  • Fixed problem with launching the Help file in pt-BR, pt-PT, zh-CHS and zh-TW.
  • Now, unpacking during Driver Pack Build mode extracts only DPB directories instead of the entire SoftPaq.
  • Added localization strings for Chinese (Hong Kong).
  • Fixed problem where a CVA download failure reports as if it was downloaded and included in the driver pack.
  • Fixed tab stops on the Build Driver Pack Setup dialog box.
  • Changed <IncludedSoftPaqs> element tag to <IncludedSoftPaq> in Driver Pack Builder manifest XML file.
  • Changed <Name> element tag to <SoftPaqTitle> in Driver Pack Builder manifest XML file.
  • Changed the value of the xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation reference in the XSD file from DriverPackManifest.xsd to HPDriverPackManifest.xsd.
  • Changed the filenames of the generated files for SCCM from DriverPackManifest.xsd to HPDriverPackManifest.xsd and DriverPackManifest.xml to HPDriverPackManifest.xml.
  • Added capability to generate a CAB file in Driver Pack mode.
  • Added capability to find a model in All Product mode by pressing Ctrl-Shift-M.
  • Added capability to hide and unhide SoftPaqs in Update mode.


  • Fixed problem with auto download and install that was introduced with the build driver pack feature.
  • Fixed problem with SDM displaying a dialog saying that it required Administrator rights with UAC turned on.


Hp Softpaq Download Manager Not Working Android


  • Fixed problem with not parsing the ROM detail file line correctly for some Desktop and Workstations.
  • Fixed problem with switching between All Products and Driver Pack modes and toggling between Show All SoftPaqs and Show Latest SoftPaqs.
  • Build Driver Pack interview now forces the selection of OS bitness instead of remembering the last one selected.
  • Readme.txt file is now displayed after Driver Pack Build.
  • OS-Bitness information is now recorded in the readme.txt and in the csv file after the Driver Pack Build.
  • Fixed problem when in Driver Pack Build mode and downloading where most or all SoftPaqs were already local, the Cancel Download button would not work.
  • Fixed the problem with clearing all checked models in 'Driver Pack Build' mode switching to 'All Products' mode and finding that the 'Find Available SoftPaqs' and 'Clear All' buttons be grayed out.
  • Changed the inclusion list of files from using only extensions msi, exe, dll, inf, cat and sys to include all files.
  • Fixed problem where if only the latest SoftPaqs were being displayed in 'All Products' or 'Driver Pack Build' modes and
    a model from the treeview was unchecked or the treeview was cleared, the next press of 'Find Available SoftPaqs' would toggle to displaying all SoftPaqs instead of displaying just the latest ones.
  • Fixed problem with building a driver pack where downloaded SoftPaqs would not be unpacked.
  • Fixed problem with 'Show All SoftPaqs'/'Show Latest SoftPaqs' toggle in the Driver Pack mode.
  • Fixed problem in the Driver Pack Builder where a failed CVA file download caused all subsequent CVA files to be aborted.
  • Fixed problem where an error in the Driver Pack Builder building phase would stop instead of continue per design.
  • Fixed problem where the last saved list of checked products is not restored after building a Driver Pack.
  • Driver Pack Builder Engine now generates a manifest file for SCCM.
  • Fixes problem with Driver Pack analyzing Windows 8.1 SoftPaqs.
  • EULA dialog box text is not translated.
  • Added Driver Pack Builder support for Windows 8.1.
  • EULA dialog box now displays translated agreement text.
  • SSMExtract.exe now replaces Extract.exe as the 'extract' tool.
  • Dialog box displaying the standard HP EULA will now be shown on the screen once per SDM session when installing or unpacking SoftPaqs.
  • Translations added for Driver Pack feature.
  • Added support for https protocol.
  • Updated SSM to v2.53.9.1.
  • Fixed problem with FtpWebRequest when the 'HTTP proxy limitation is detected' and file existence on the FTP site cannot be performed.
  • Added Driver Pack Building feature.
  • Added Driver Pack Building feature.
  • Added support for catalog schema and Version, and will all work with this version.
  • Fixed the error where SoftPaq ID was not displayed in the SoftPaq Installed Summary section of the log.
  • Fixed problem where an installed status of Restart Needed was not being displayed in the Installation Summary window.
  • Improved performance and more aesthetically pleasing when loading all products in a product configuration file.
  • Fixed problem with file existence detection using http protocol for CVA and release note files.


  • Desktops
  • Notebooks
  • Workstations


  1. Download the file by clicking Download or Obtain Software button and saving the file to a folder on your hard drive (make a note of the folder where the downloaded file is saved).
  2. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to extract the contents of the SoftPaq.

Take a look please at these two documents. It could resolve your problem.
Advisory: HP Client Management Tools - Tool Update Required Due to HP IT Infrastructure Changes
'On 28 February 2018 HP IT removed support for SSL v3.0 and TLS v1.0 when connecting the HP FTP site (https:ftp.hp.com). This is an industry-wide move to deprecate less secure protocols and ensure user security and privacy. As a result, the following HP Manageability Tools were impacted by this change and have been updated.'
Advisory: SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocol support removed from use on HP ftp.hp.com site

Hp Softpaq Download Manager Not Working

'On 28 February 2018, HP IT removed support for the SSL v3.0 and TLS v1.0 security protocols when connecting the HP FTP site using the HTTPS protocol. As of the date of this advisory, only the following protocols are supported for accessing the HP FTP site:

Hp Softpaq Download Manager Not Working On Firefox

(only with security protocols TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2)

(to be discontinued later in 2018)

Softpaq Can't Connect To Ftp

NOTE: The ftp protocol will be removed at some point in 2018. At that time you will no longer be able to access SoftPaqs (and other files) using the ftp://ftp.hp.com link. You will need to modify your tools and processes to use either http://ftp.hp.com or https://ftp.hp.com instead. HP recommends that you begin now to make the necessary changes.'


Hp Softpaq Download Manager Not Working In Chrome