C Serialize Object To File

  1. C# Serialize Object To Binary
  2. C# Serialize Object
  3. C# Serialize Object To String
  4. C# Serialize Object To String

I just wrote a blog post on saving an object's data to Binary, XML, or Json; well writing an object or list of objects to a file that is.Here are the functions to do it in the various formats. Serialize the object to a sample file For serializing, lets open a stream object and give a sample file name EmployeeInfo.osl. Note, the demo exe file has this same name. So when you run ObjSerial.exe, the EmployeeInfo.osl file will be created under the folder where you copied the exe file. Add the following code to our ObjSerial class. Serialize an Object. Serialize a Collection. Serialize a Dictionary. Serialize JSON to a file. Serialize with JsonConverters. Serialize a DataSet., Year = 1995; // serialize JSON to a string and then write string to a file File.WriteAllText(@'c:movie.json', JsonConvert.SerializeObject. In this file your serialized object will be stored. Bf.Serialize(fsout, emp) will serialize the object 'emp' and store it in file 'employee.binary'. The next thing is to write the code to deserialize the object. Add a click event for Deserialize button. When clicking on the Deserialize button we want to.

Active8 months ago

I have a C# class that I have inherited. I have successfully 'built' the object. But I need to serialize the object to XML. Is there an easy way to do it?

It looks like the class has been set up for serialization, but I'm not sure how to get the XML representation. My class definition looks like this:

Here is what I thought I could do, but it doesn't work:

How do I get the XML representation of this object?

Peter Mortensen
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15 Answers

You have to use XmlSerializer for XML serialization. Below is a sample snippet.

Matas Vaitkevicius
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I modified mine to return a string rather than use a ref variable like below.

Its usage would be like this:

Peter Mortensen
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3,2651 gold badge28 silver badges23 bronze badges

The following function can be copied to any object to add an XML save function using the System.Xml namespace.

To create the object from the saved file, add the following function and replace [ObjectType] with the object type to be created.

Peter Mortensen
14.5k19 gold badges89 silver badges118 bronze badges
Ben GripkaBen Gripka
12.5k5 gold badges36 silver badges37 bronze badges

Extension class:


Just reference the namespace holding your extension method in the file you would like to use it in and it'll work (in my example it would be: using MyProj.Extensions;)

Note that if you want to make the extension method specific to only a particular class(eg., Foo), you can replace the T argument in the extension method, eg.

public static string Serialize(this Foo value){...}

Aleksandr AlbertAleksandr Albert
1,0641 gold badge11 silver badges20 bronze badges

You can use the function like below to get serialized XML from any object.

You can call this from the client.

Peter Mortensen
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2,2515 gold badges28 silver badges26 bronze badges

To serialize an object, do:

Also remember that for XmlSerializer to work, you need a parameterless constructor.

Peter Mortensen
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I will start with the copy answer of Ben Gripka:

I used this code earlier. But reality showed that this solution is a bit problematic. Usually most of programmers just serialize setting on save and deserialize settings on load. This is an optimistic scenario. Once the serialization failed, because of some reason, the file is partly written, XML file is not complete and it is invalid. In consequence XML deserialization does not work and your application may crash on start. If the file is not huge, I suggest first serialize object to MemoryStream then write the stream to the File. This case is especially important if there is some complicated custom serialization. You can never test all cases.

The deserialization in real world scenario should count with corrupted serialization file, it happens sometime. Load function provided by Ben Gripka is fine.

And it could be wrapped by some recovery scenario. It is suitable for settings files or other files which can be deleted in case of problems.

Tomas KubesTomas Kubes
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It's a little bit more complicated than calling the ToString method of the class, but not much.

Here's a simple drop-in function you can use to serialize any type of object. It returns a string containing the serialized XML contents:

Cody GrayCody Gray
201k38 gold badges405 silver badges488 bronze badges

All upvoted answers above are correct. This is just simplest version:

9091 gold badge11 silver badges20 bronze badges

You should basically use System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer class to do this.

11.1k5 gold badges37 silver badges63 bronze badges

You can create and store the result as xml file in the desired location.

Dev TryDev Try

my work code. Returns utf8 xml enable empty namespace.

Example returns response Yandex api payment Aviso url:

1,4971 gold badge13 silver badges12 bronze badges

I have a simple way to serialize an object to XML using C#, it works great and it's highly reusable. I know this is an older thread, but I wanted to post this because someone may find this helpful to them.

Here is how I call the method:

Here is the class that does the work:

Note: Since these are extension methods they need to be in a static class.

Tyler KaloszaTyler Kalosza

Here's a basic code that will help serializing the C# objects into xml:

Ali AsadAli Asad
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Active9 months ago

I am going to write multiple objects to a file and then retrieve them in another part of my code. My code has no error, but it is not working properly. Could you please help me find what is wrong about my code.I have read different codes from different website, but none of them worked for me!

Here is my code to write my objects to a file:MyClassList is an arraylist which includes objects of my class (which must be written to a file).

I added 'true' to the constructor of the outputstream, because I want to add each object to end of file. Is that correct?

And here is my code to read the objects from the file:

It finally prints just one object. Now, I don't know if I am not writing correctly or reading correctly!

Ashish Aggarwal
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5 Answers


Why not serialize the whole list at once?

Assuming, of course, that MyClassList is an ArrayList or LinkedList, or another Serializable collection.

In the case of reading it back, in your code you ready only one item, there is no loop to gather all the item written.

Stéphane Bruckert
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As others suggested, you can serialize and deserialize the whole list at once, which is simpler and seems to comply perfectly with what you intend to do.

In that case the serialization code becomes

And deserialization becomes (assuming that myClassList is a list and hoping you will use generics):

You can also deserialize several objects from a file, as you intended to:

Please do not forget to close stream objects in a finally clause (note: it can throw exception).


As suggested in the comments, it should be preferable to use try with resources and the code should get quite simpler.

Here is the list serialization :

4,1281 gold badge18 silver badges30 bronze badges

Simple program to write objects to file and read objects from file.

After running the program the output in your console window will be 10 and you can find the file inside Test folder by clicking on the icon show in below image.

C# Serialize Object To Binary

Roshan HalwaiRoshan Halwai

I think you have to write each object to an own File or you have to split the one when reading it.You may also try to serialize your list and retrieve that when deserializing.


C# Serialize Object

6111 gold badge10 silver badges25 bronze badges

if you serialize the whole list you also have to de-serialize the file into a list when you read it back. This means that you will inevitably load in memory a big file. It can be expensive. If you have a big file, and need to chunk it line by line (-> object by object) just proceed with your initial idea.



C# Serialize Object To String


C# Serialize Object To String

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