Application Installer File


Application Installer File

May 07, 2019  How to Make an Installation File. If you have an.exe file (or really any file) you've made or not, and you want to make an installation to it. The process is easy and quick, just the tutorial is very detailed. This works on. Jul 29, 2018  Since an air installer file is just a zip archive, you can unzip it and rebuild with the same version of the SDK that you have used for the original installer. Preferably you should have access to the that you had used for the original build, but you can also create a from the application.xml file in the archive. What is installer.exe? The genuine installer.exe file is a software component of Awola Anti Spyware by Awola. Awola Anti Spyware is a rogue security program that is designed to display false security alerts in order to trick people into purchasing the full version of the program.

This article shows how to manually create an App Installer file that defines a related set. A related set is not one entity, but rather a combination of a main package and optional packages.

To be able to install a related set as one entity, we must be able to specify the main package and optional package as one. To do this, we will need to create an XML file with an .appinstaller extension to define a related set. App Installer consumes the .appinstaller file and allows the user to install all of the defined packages with a single click.

App Installer file example

Before we go in to more detail, here is a complete sample msixbundle *.appinstaller file:

Download Advanced Installer. Free Download. This is a unified package containing the complete Advanced Installer application, which includes Freeware.

During deployment, the App Installer file is validated against the app packages referenced in the Uri element. So, the Name, Publisher and Version should match the Package/Identity element in the app package manifest.

How to create an App Installer file

To distribute your related set as one entity, you must create an App Installer file that contains the elements that are required by that appinstaller schema.

Application Installer File

Step 1: Create the *.appinstaller file


Using a text editor, create a file (which will contain XML) and name it <filename>.appinstaller

Step 2: Add the basic template

The basic template includes the App Installer file information.

Step 3: Add the main package information

If the main app package is an .msix or .appx file, then use <MainPackage>, as shown below. Be sure to include the ProcessorArchitecture, as it is mandatory for non-bundle packages.

If the main app package is an .msixbundle or .appxbundle or file, then use the <MainBundle> in place of <MainPackage> as shown below. For bundles, ProcessorArchitecture is not required.

The information in the <MainBundle> or <MainPackage> attribute should match the Package/Identity element in the app bundle manifest or app package manifest respectively.

Step 4: Add the optional packages

Similar to the main app package attribute, if the optional package can be either an app package or an app bundle, the child element within the <OptionalPackages> attribute should be <Package> or <Bundle> respectively. The package information in the child elements should match the identity element in the bundle or package manifest.

Step 5: Add dependencies

In the dependencies element, you can specify the required framework packages for the main package or the optional packages.

Step 6: Add Update setting

The App Installer file can also specify update setting so that the related sets can be automatically updated when a newer App Installer file is published. is an optional element. Within the OnLaunch option specifies that update checks should be made on app launch, and HoursBetweenUpdateChecks='12' specifies that an update check should be made every 12 hours. If HoursBetweenUpdateChecks is not specified, the default interval used to check for updates is 24 hours. Additional types of updates, like background updates can be found in the Update Settings schema; Additional types of on-launch updates like updates with a prompt can be found in the OnLaunch schema

For all of the details on the XML schema, see App Installer file reference.


The App Installer file type is new in Windows 10, version 1709 (the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update). There is no support for deployment of Windows 10 apps using an App Installer file on previous versions of Windows 10. The HoursBetweenUpdateChecks element is available starting in Windows 10, version 1803.


Adobe Muse is no longer adding new features and will discontinue support on March 26, 2020. For detailed information and assistance, see Adobe Muse end-of-service FAQ.

When you try to install Adobe Muse, you receive the following error:

'Sorry, an error has occurred.

The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author.'

Download and install the latest version of Adobe AIR.

Once successfully installed, reinstall Adobe Muse by following the steps in the next section.

Uninstall any copy/version of Adobe Muse already installed by following the steps detailed in Uninstall Adobe Muse.

To clear any remnants, delete the Adobe Muse folder (located in the following folders):

  • Mac OS: /Applications
  • Windows: /Program Files on 32 bit or /Program Files (x86) on 64 bit

Then download and install the latest version of Adobe Muse for Windows or Mac OS.

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Application Installer Windows 10

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